Comet 4c - Texture Baking - Control Column

The latest addition are the control columns, which I’ve updated to the latest style. To avoid shadow clashes during animation, no shadows were cast by the yolk or the nose wheel steering spokes. To keep the highlight on the nose wheel steering rim, only the spokes move, which fools the eye quite well. With the yolk, especially the central boss, the highlights had to be toned down and spread out even more than usual, or it looked very odd in a steep turn. There’s not much else to report!

The red button is the a remote cut-out switch for the auto-pilot. There’s one on each column. The other switch is the talk switch for either the intercom or radio transmitter (which has no function in X-Plane). The unit underneath the nose steering wheel is the stick shaker.

GMM-P (02/06/2010)
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